Finance and Administration

More than just bookkeeping: make better decisions and boost profitability.

Finance and Accounting

Finance and accounting involves much more than simply bookkeeping and the payment of taxes. Perhaps not the most popular aspect of entrepreneurship, but definitely one of the most important ones. The financial strategy should never be forgotten in a successful company strategy. It encompasses matters like administration, funding, optimalisation of profitability (costs and turnover), management of the debtors, subsidies and retirement related aspects.

Finance and Strategy

The financial and economic aspects have a very important place in the development of business strategy. The outcomes of a strategic decision will have to be properly evaluated from a financial angle as well. Of course profit maximisation is a too narrow approach for a sound business strategy, but the impact of the selected strategic direction on turnover, costs, balance sheet, market share and other indicators must at least be favourable on the long term.

This is why it is essential to understand the financial aspects yourself and not leave it entirely to the accountants. You may decide to outsource certain matters, but it is far too important to leave it fully in the hands of a third party.

Finance and Accounting information, tools and services

In this section you can find a wide range of information about the various financial and strategic aspects of running a business. This will help you to determine a sound and cohesive strategy and run operations effectively.You can also request online or on site interim support. In some cases this can be done directly through our own experts, in other cases it is possible to consult our partner accounting and auditing firms.

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